Downloadable Forms

These forms are available as a convenience. As they all have legal or tax implications, it is strongly recommended that you consult with an attorney about the effect or impact of any of these forms. We can offer only non-legal advice, but are glad to be of assistance or to make a referral.


Ancillary Charges Authorization Form    

Bargain and Sale Deed Form     

Buyer Affidavit    

Closing Affidavit    

CO/Smoke Alarm Affidavit Form     

Combined Real Estate Transfer Tax Return TP584 Form     

Entity Affidavit Form     

FNMA/FHLMC Mortgage Form     

HUD 1 Settlement Form      

Owners/Sellers Affidavit    

Real Estate Transfer Tax Return Supplemental TP584.1 Form     

Real Property Transfer Report RP5217 Form   

Section 255 Affidavit Form     

Seller Affidavit    

STAR (School Tax Relief Information)

Title Insurance Form